Balancing the Active Life : An Interactive Bible Study
If you struggle to get organized, Cindi's your new friend who understands... [She] will enable you to develop a more balanced life. -Susan Alexander Yates, speaker and author ...concrete ways to move ahead toward a balanced life. -Joy Downs, speaker and co-author Balancing a pyramid of seven people on a tightrope cable only 5/8-inch thick, the Great Wallendas showed the world their astonishing skills. They performed their balancing act 35-100 feet high over dens of lions! How many times did they nearly lose their balance? Though you might not be surrounded by lions, who is to say that your life isn't just as stressful with your own set of acrobatic and balancing acts? 'How we spend our time is the life we live, ' says Cindi Ferrini of Creative Management Fundamentals. Join author and balancer Cindi Ferrini as she presents her 13-week interactive Bible study that addresses the question: 'Does being a Christian mean we automatically have a balanced life?' Everyone gets carried away with work, family, ministry, and life opportunities available to us. And sometimes we neglect the areas that God is calling us to and that are best for us. Through this study, you'll learn to balance your priorities, set and achieve goals, and discipline and organize yourself in a variety of areas. Just as the Wallendas learned the excitement of being in balance and walking the tight rope, you too can take the challenge of learning what it takes to Balance the Active Life!
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