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Another Hysterical Female

Another Hysterical Female

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"This hysterical female is teaching us all how to laugh again, be brave again, and live again. Start reading and get ready to be inspired, laugh your face off, and accomplish your dreams." - Jenni Pulos, star of Bravo's Flipping Out

Author Kristin Giese proves she can deliver a laugh as effortlessly as she can a lesson in Another Hysterical Female. This book features a collection of mostly funny stories from Kristin's life to fix us, the author included. Her approach is somewhat of a modern-day Mary Poppins - minus the fact that Mary never pulled a vibrator out of her carpetbag. Kristin's brand of humor is the exact spoonful of sugar we need to help our heartache go down.

Another Hysterical Female reads like an exploration in what it is to be a woman today. Kristin's stories are real, vulnerable, disarmingly honest, and hysterically funny. The entire book unfolds as if you were seated next to her at a dinner party, conversational and unexpectedly hilarious. You'll start as strangers but by dessert, she'll be the best friend you just hadn't met yet.

In Another Hysterical Female, Kristin regales us with stories from her childhood, life in entertainment as a talent manager, publicist, and producer, as well as the things she's learned running her own company - all to shed light on how what has hurt us can also point us toward what could radically heal us. "If trauma had a tagline, it would be: If you don't laugh, I'll make you cry. It's like a bully on the playground, holding us back from our happiness. In reality, we don't have to get over what has hurt us to move forward in life, but we do have to stop believing that we are what has hurt us if we truly want to build our happiness. I'm spilling the beans on what has hurt me in the hopes of doing just that in my own life."

"Kristin is the best friend you never knew you needed. Her advice is savvy, compassionate, and all told with a wry wit that will have you rolling. A must read for any young woman about to start her adult life. A relatable read for any woman who's tried to balance life. And a fun read for just about any person who's lived life at all. Just read it. You're welcome." - Paige Davis, star of TLC's Trading Spaces

"I read Another Hysterical Female in one afternoon. I couldn't put it down and I couldn't stop laughing. You won't be able to either." - Katrina B., Florida

"I love the way this author tells a story. I follow her on instgram and couldn't wait to read her book. It did not disappoint." - Julie H., California

"I laughed out loud. I cried out loud, too. This book is like a survival guide for your soul." - Kristin C, Ohio

"I didn't know what to expect, and yet somehow it surpassed my expectations. Read it right now." - Janet W. - Ohio

"I bought a copy for me. As soon I turned the last page, I ordered three more for my closest friends. It's that good...and that funny." - Heather A., Colorado

"I've worked with Kristin in the past and she shows up just like she does on the page -hilarious, super smart, inspiring, and disarmingly honest. Get this book." - Brooke A., New York

"I love this author. She is hysterically funny and radically honest, both of which will fuel you in ways that we all need right now." - Lindsay G., New York

"I didn't know this author before I started reading, and now I feel like we're the same person." - Janet W., Chicago

"This book changed me. Period." - Anthony G., New York

"This author writes like a mom hiding carrots in the pizza sauce. So much goodness is tucked inside each story, you get the vitamins without even seeing them coming. Read it now." - Michelle M., Atlanta

Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success

Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success

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Andratesha Fritzgerald presents Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in a new light: As an effective framework to teach Black and Brown students. Drawing vivid portraits of her classroom instruction in urban over the past two decades, Fritzgerald shows teachers how to open new roads of communication, engagement, and skill-building for their students. The result? Helping students become expert, lifelong learners who feel honored and loved.


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Has all the excitement of an Indiana Jones thriller but adds spiritual insights and biblical truth to this ficitonal sotry of hidden scrolls, unholy church leaders, and a 'motorcycle buff' who becomes the unlikely hero.

Ariel in Black

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Armed With God's Power: Changing Brokennes to Victory Through God's Love (signed)

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As I Walk: Unlocking the Life-Saving Power of Perspective

As I Walk: Unlocking the Life-Saving Power of Perspective

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At the age of 20, Brandon Grimm was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the pituitary gland. The ensuing surgery removed a large portion of the tumor; however, residual tumor was located a few months later. After recovering from the surgery, Brandon was diagnosed with the rare and chronic disease, Acromegaly. This disease causes too much growth hormone to be produced in Brandon's body which reduces life expectancy by several years if left untreated. Over the last 14 years, Brandon has received over 4,000 injections to reduce the level of growth hormone and restore life expectancy back to normal range. This book documents his experiences, including battles with anxiety, fear, doubt and hopelessness. Brandon provides a first-hand account of how God provides all of us with the tools needed to overcome these relentless enemies. In this book, you will unlock the life-saving power of perspective regardless of your current circumstance and learn how to find freedom in fear, belief in the doubt and light in the darkness. Brandon also provides practical applications for unleashing the power of a new perspective by doing instead of having, focusing on how well instead of how long and what it means to sacrifice for the benefit of others.

At Home on a Horse in the Woods A Journety into Living Your Ultimate Dream

At Home on a Horse in the Woods A Journety into Living Your Ultimate Dream

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Are you frustrated because your dream hasn't come true? When you took actions that didn't work out did you get stuck? Are you tempted to abandon your dream forever? Don't! Another choice can lead you to ultimate happiness.

Author Janet Wolanin Alexander has been there and knows how you feel. In her memoir At Home on a Horse in the Woods she shares how alternating bouts of pursuit and denial became incredibly paralyzing. FInally, on the verge of abandoning her dream forever, a powerful moment of truth broke her pattern and set her free.

Although your dream may be different than hers, her memoir will show you:

- Why the desires of our heart are meant to be followed and not forgotten

- How to turn frustration and stagnation into transformation

- And that every dreamer needs support in order to succeed.

Get unstuck and back on your journey. Now it the time to start living your ultimate dream!

At the Skylight With Matilda (USED)

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Autobiography Dedicated to the Tamars and the Concubines (USED)

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