In the ongoing hilarities of Godai, a college student struggling to win over Kyoko, his beautiful apartment manager, a pesky high school student tries to "tutor" her way into the lad's heart. Meanwhile, Coach Mitaka makes his move on Kyoko, and the meddling of rumored pervert Mr. Yotsuya and the other residents of Maison Ikkoku just make matters worse.
While Godai searches for a way to propose to Kyoko, his rival Mitaka courts Kyoko ever more aggressively. But shy Asuna hasn't given up trying to win Mitaka for herself. Then Godai's old girlfriend shows up. For whom do the wedding bells toll?
Maison Ikkoku is a shabby apartment building populated with deadbeats and pranksters, bashful college student Yusaku, and his paramour Kyoko, the building manager. With everyone meddling and Yusaku's shyness, will they ever get together?
The Maison Ikkoku has a new resident who was expecting a fancy new apartment--not a dilapidated building; Kyoko's boyfriend starts to worry about a ring; and Godai begins a job teaching at Kyoko's old high school.
In this ninth graphic novel from the creator of the popular RANMA 1/2 comes the story of a boy, a girl, and the drunks who live to interfere, where, like anywhere, domestic disputes can be the most dangerous of all.