Alternative Medicine

Geopathic Stress & Subtle Energy (USED)

Geopathic Stress & Subtle Energy (USED)

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If you suffer from tiredness, headaches, irritability, miscarriages, or chronic ill health that doesn't respond to treatment, you may be suffering from geopathic stress. Geopathic comes from two Greek words: geo means 'of the earth', and pathos means 'suffering' or 'disease'. The word 'geopathic' literally means suffering or disease of the earth. If you live and work above such an area, you are likely to have difficulty staying well, and if you get sick you will find it difficult to get well. This book looks at the theories about the causes of geopathic stress (electromagnetic, paranormal and subtle energy) and the different types of GS. It explains how GS can be detected, the various types of remedial action that can be taken and how individuals can protect themselves. This is a comprehensive look at this fascinating subject with many case studies from experts in this field. Read about the people who got better by getting their houses 'fixed'. Understand how the author predicted on a TV programme that a man she had never met would suffer with leg or back problems, and that someone in the house probably had migraines. Read about the dog that suddenly stopped barking, the cows that were healthier and produced more milk, and the accident black spot that suddenly became safe. How did the author successfully meet the challenge to predict where people with headaches would be sitting in a lecture theatre, and how could she identify where the sick employees were sitting on three floors of an office block? You may start as a sceptic, but read this book and see what is really going on.
Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field (USED)

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field (USED)

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With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with fifteen years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and students, Barbara Ann Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the human energy field for people who seek happiness, health and their full potential.

Our physical bodies exist within a larger "body," a human energy field or aura, which is the vehicle through which we create our experience of reality, including health and illness. It is through this energy field that we have the power to heal ourselves.

This energy body -- only recently verified by scientists, but long known to healers and mystics -- is the starting point of all illness. Here, our most powerful and profound human interactions take place, the precursor and healer of all physiological and emotional disturbances.

Hands of Light is your guide to a new wholeness. It offers:

- A new paradigm for the human, in health, relationship, and disease
- An understanding of how the human energy field looks, functions, is disturbed, healed, and interacts with friends and lovers.
- Training in the ability to see and interpret auras
- Medically verified case studies of healing people from all walks of life with a variety of illnesses.
- Guidelines for healing the self and others.
- The author's personal and intriguing life adventure which gives us a model for growth, courage and possibilities for expanded consciousness

Let There Be Light: Practical Manual for Spectro-Chrome Therapy (USED)

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Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing (USED)

Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing (USED)

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Barbara Ann Brennan's bestselling first book, "Hands of Light," established her as one of the world's most gifted healers and teachers. Now, in her long-awaited new work, she continues her ground-breaking exploration of the human energy field, or auro - the source of our experience of health or illness. Drawing on many new developments in her teaching and practice, she shows how we can be empowered as both patients and healers to understand and work with our most fundamental healing power: the light that emerges from the very center of our humanity

In a unique approach that encourages a cooperative effort among healer, patient, and other health-care providers, "Light Emerging" explains what the healer perceives visually, audibly, and kinesthetically and how each of us can participate in every stage of the healing process.

Presenting a fascinating range of research, from a new paradigm of healing based on the science of holography to insights into the "hara level" and the "core star," "Light Emerging" is at the leading edge of healing practice in our time. You'll discover:

How each of us can tap our innate power to heal ourselves and others

A complete patient's guide to working with a healer: How a healer's technique and goals differ from those of a physician or a therapist and how these professinals can best cooperate to facilitate healing

The seven layers of the healing process: how to meet your needs on each level, plus step-by-step instructions for creating your own healing plan

Startling new information about energy interactions in relationships and how to break through negative patterns to new, positive contracts with those closest to us

The crucial connectionbetween healing, creativity, and transcendence

And much more

Complete with case histories, exercises, and both black-and-white and full-color illustrations, "Light Emerging" offers a new path to healing, wholeness, and expanded consciousness.

Plant Spirit Medicine: The Healing Power of Plants (USED)

Plant Spirit Medicine: The Healing Power of Plants (USED)

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Ancient shamanic practice compelled the magician-healer to first make contact with the spirit of the plant to ask for its help before administering the herbal cure. This practice is still alive today in Mexico, among the traditional Indian shaman healers -- principally the elder Huichol Indian shaman and plant spirit healer, Don Guadalupe Gonzales Rios. Elliot Cowan reveals these ancient practices and guides the reader in the effective use of the wild herb plants in the area in which he or she lives. The result is a wonderful psychic and spiritual approach to holistic healing.
Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy (USED)

Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy (USED)

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The New York Times bestselling author of Many Lives, Many Masters breaks new ground to reveal how progression therapy into future lives can help transform us in the present.

How often have you wished you could peer into the future? In Same Soul, Many Bodies, Brian L. Weiss, M.D., shows us how. Through envisioning our lives to come, we can influence their outcome and use this process to bring more joy and healing to our present lives. Dr. Weiss pioneered regression therapy -- guiding people through their past lives. Here, he goes beyond that to demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of progression therapy -- guiding people through the future in a scientific, responsible, healing way.

Through dozens of case histories detailing both past-life and future-life experiences, Dr. Weiss shows how the choices that we make now will determine our future quality of life. From Samantha, who overcame academic failure once she learned of her future as a great physician, to Evelyn, whose fears and prejudices ended after she envisioned prior and forthcoming lives as a hate victim, Dr. Weiss gives concrete examples of lives transformed by regression and progression therapy.

A groundbreaking work, Same Soul, Many Bodies is sure to deeply affect peoples' lives as they strive toward their future.

What Your Brain Might Say If It Could Speak (USED)

What Your Brain Might Say If It Could Speak (USED)

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What Your Brain Might Say if It Could Speak is functional neurology made simple. It is not your usual blend of nutrition and brain function. Rather, these four simple ideas untangle preconceived notions and explore engaging thoughts your brain might voice if it could speak. Today, brain nutrition permeates the marketplace. However, when your brain's performance improves its supplemental needs decrease. This book will give you all of the tools you need to increase your brain's endurance, vitality, speed, and clarity, including new ideas about how to exercise for brain health, the benefits of a cleaner brain, keys to improve your awareness, and how to move for greater brain performance. Because your brain controls every organ and aspect of your body, greater brain performance means overall body health, vitality, longevity and achievement. If you want a healthier brain, let this book speak to you.